Monday, September 24, 2012

"Thank you, Helmet!"

“We’re a dream a baby’s having...” (How I Met Your Mother starts this week!) So the big talk around town, especially being a study abroad student, is the fact that a prohibition on hard alcohol is currently going on in the Czech Republic. 20 people have died so far but don’t worry, Mom it really doesn’t affect me since I tend to stick to beer and wine. Even though coming here you would want to visit the green fairy a few times, I can wait for it to pass. 

Meanwhile this was first week of classes. I have class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Yes, that means I have four-day weekends - life is rough. I’m taking multiculturalism, art and architecture with a teacher who Rachel and I have agreed resembles Umbridge and Global Economy, which I’ll probably fall asleep in every week. I’ve also decided to add a gender studies class just for fun because 1) my teacher is British 2) girl power 3) my teacher showed us this the first day of class:

Remember to vote!

Speaking of One Direction, Marisa, Erica and I definitely witnessed the whole bands’ doppelgangers coming out of the metro earlier this week. We also were flipped off by a man holding his adorable chocolate lab on the escalator when all we did was smile out of puppy envy. Oh, now I get it…the smiling blew our cover of being American. Anywho…BONES.

This weekend we visited the village of Kutna Hora where we got to see the famous bone chapel! It contains bones of about 40,000 plague victims, which are arranged into everything from chandeliers to the coat of arms of the Schwarzenberg noble family. 

The moment I chose to study abroad in Prague this is what I instantly looked forward to after browsing through Lyndsey’s backpacking pictures. It had the feel of being in Pirates of the Caribbean (you would have loved it, Molly!) and with our awesome tour guide, who must have some Addam’s family blood in him with his mad-scientist persona and a voice straight out of the Haunted Mansion ride it made such a creepy place feel more complete. For example, he felt it necessary to explain that the only thing you can do at the bone church is plan your funeral. Yeah, can’t say that’s one of my priorities while studying abroad at the age of 20. After going to the bone chapel we headed over to the St. Barbora Cathedral where I’m not kidding: a real golden snitch is hidden. (Pretty sure all the bones of the seekers are next door). It is the finest example of late gothic in Bohemia.

Erica, Rachel, Me, Marisa, and Arica
We ended the trip by suiting up ;) for the Medieval silver mines, which is not recommended for anybody who is the slightest bit claustrophobic. Kutna Hora was the second most important town of medieval Bohemia and competed with Prague for political power and prestige. We got to walk through the actual dark, slippery, narrow tunnels of the silver mines and if it weren’t for our hard hats I would be in very much pain right now. “Pitch black” also has a whole new meaning to my eyes (no pun intended) because in order to experience what it would have been like to get lost in the darkness of a mine we had to turn off our flashlights at one point. This has been the best field trip by far!

Note to self:

  • Don’t go to Yes, Burger in the hopes of it tasting the way you’ve always imagined Good Burger to taste like.
  • Free Sangria Night (for girls) is on Tuesdays at Bukowski's 
  • Hang-drying my underwear is something I may never get used to
  • the grocery store Albert has jalapeños 

Shout out to best friends, neighbor gents, and all my lib studs I hope your first week of classes went wonderfully!

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