Monday, November 12, 2012

Keeping it Glassy

This past week has been very…Czech. Last weekend Marisa’s mom and grandma were visiting and treated us to an Organ Performance at the St. Martin in the Wall in Old Town followed by a delicious dinner at the famous Lokal for a typical Czech meal consisting of goulash, fried cheese, and pickled camembert. 

A meal I'm going to miss: goulash.
This week it was finally my turn to prepare Family Dinner and after going to 3 different grocery stores I was successful in finding all the ingredients for some enchiladas, which were a great success. The night would have been even better if my best friends back home were there and Molly could have played the song she so beautifully composed last year on the guitar about me entitled “EnchiLara”. After dinner, most of us then squeezed in the smallest apartment in R30 for a post-Halloween party since we couldn’t all be together during fall break.

Friday we went on our last program-lead field trip to the Glassworks! All the men were wearing slippers, opened button shirts, no gloves, and even when dealing with hot metal rods and fire they don’t find any harm drinking a beer. Actually, they are only allowed 4 beers a day but being in the Czech Republic for this long surrounded by construction workers in sandals and no hard hats we really were not surprised. We each got a chance to blow our own glass to make a vase and beer mug. None of us are exactly sure how we are going to get these things back home considering most of us packed our suitcases full coming here but we'll figure it out.  After we all attempted blowing glass we got to enjoy some yummy cesnecka and goulash and board the bus to go to yet another castle where most of us preferred to play with the leaves or create new fall fashions with twigs and buttons during the tour rather than listen.

Marisa blowing glass!

This coming week I unfortunately have been hit hard with the “study” part of “study abroad”  having all my midterms this week so wish me luck! Below I have compiled a list of things to do while in class...not that you should actually listen to me because I am feeling incredibly unprepared for these midterms of mine. 

Ways to keep busy in class:

  • Make lists comparing your current teacher to a Hogwarts professor
  • Write down observations.For example: a surprising amount of students were wearing flannel one day (myself included) 
  • Make lists: Groceries, places you want to go, things you still need to do, things you want for Christmas, food you want your mom to send you, etc.
  • Write postcards: Yes all postcards have been written during Global Economy and my midterm grade better not reflect it.
  • Go old school and pass notes with a friend.
  • Give dirty looks to the French boys behind you who won't shut up while the professor is talking

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